Muhsin al-Amin, a Reformist in Jabal ‘Amil
Muhsin Al-Amin - Autobiographie d’un clerc chiite du Ǧabal ‘Āmil. Trad. et annot. par Sabrina Mervin et Haïtham Al-Amin, Damas, IFEAD, 1998, 217 p. Né à Šaqarā, un village du Jabal ‘Āmil, Muḥsin...
View ArticleMusa Sadr is Alive in Lybia – his son Sadr ad-Din to Nna
(National Lebanese News Agency, August 30 2010) Exclusive Interview by Mona Sukkariye with Sadr ad-Din Sadr, son of the Imam Musa al-Sadr, disappeared in Lybia in August 1978. لم يسبق أن عرف العالم...
View ArticleBeirut Nostalgia – Ouzai or “Les plages dorées du Saint-Simon”?
(L’Orient-Le Jour, September 30, 2010) Il fut un temps, béni de tous les dieux, où les plages au Liban avaient leurs saints, Simon, Georges, Michel, et une beauté simple, presque naïve, où l’on croyait...
View ArticleBahrain, nazionalità ai siriani sunniti contro le rivendicazioni sciite
Forte del sostegno dell’Arabia Saudita, il Bahrain ha iniziato un processo di naturalizzazione dei rifugiati siriani sunniti, così da aumentare la percentuale sunnita nel Paese, a fronte delle proteste...
View ArticleWarriors of God, Blanford on Hezbollah’s 30-year struggle against Israel
(di Estella Carpi*). The last work of American journalist Nicholas Blanford takes the form of an autobiography about his own life as a reporter, having the privilege of being constantly immersed in the...
View ArticleQuella Siria dimenticata dal mondo
(di Alia Malek*, The New York Times). Last month, while we waited at the Lebanese border for our papers to be processed so that we could return to Syria, a woman traveling in our shared taxi pointed...
View ArticleMinistro iracheno: “Migliaia di sciiti pronti a combattere in Siria”
(di Samia Nakhoul and Suadad al-Salhy, Reuters). Thousands of Shi’ite Muslims from Iraq and beyond will take up arms against Sunni al Qaeda “savages” in Syria if fellow Shi’ites or their shrines come...
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